Pink Kitten are excited to finally be able to announce that we will be starting up pole dancing classes classes in Stroud in 2012.
The classes will be held at Sugar Nightclub, 27a Nelson Street, Stroud, GL5 2HH every Tuesday evening.
Classes will begin again on the 18th of September 2012 with a beginners pole dancing class at 6:30-7:45 and an intermediates-advanced pole dancing class at 7:45-9:00pm
To start the classes off we will be holding a free taster evening on the 11th September, where we will have pole dancing demonstrations @ 6:30pm and 7:30pm and free pole dance tasters straight after each demo
Bookings can be made on the evening for the first set of classes for a 50% deposit
There will also be 20% off vouchers available for all attendees to the demonstration evening valid against your first course.