She’s sexy. She’s fit. And there’s a je ne sais quoi about her that makes her an instant girl-crush. We’ve all seen her – Maybe at the supermarket, at the library, or just walking past you on the street. She’s not a model, she’s not size zero,but her confidence makes her glow.
Well – gape no more at the unattainable.
It’s time to get your sexy on with Pole Fitness, Pole Dancing, Aerial hoop, Aerial yoga, and Burlesque. Pole dance and fitness has been gaining huge popularity for the past few years, as an excellent physical and mental exercise. Women are the driving force of the world (we all know it), but sometimes we forget to take care of ourselves.
Remember the airhostess safety talk about oxygen masks – “Secure your own mask before helping others?” Well, think of it kind of like that. If you feed your mind, body, and soul, you’ll be stronger both on your own and around others.
To help get you started in the world of Pole Fitness, and to celebrate their ever-growing Facebook community,Platinum Stages UK are giving away a FREE one piece removable dance pole in conjunction with Pink Kitten Dance School. To enter the competition, just visit the Pink Kitten Dance School Facebook page.
Aerial yoga is a new way of practicing the ancient form of spiritual, mental, and physical fitness. Yoga is a way of calming the nervous system and increasing body awareness, ‘physical therapy for the mind’ if you will. The inclusion of aerial equipment deepens the stretches, helps increase resistance, and develops a whole new level of strength and grace.
Aerial hoop owes its fame to the whirling aerial performers of Cirque du Soleil – But even for those of us that don’t aim for that level of skill on the hoop (or Lyra, as it is also known), it still is a fantastic form of exercise. Challenging and fun, this circus skill will have you noticing immediate improvements in your flexibility, strength, grace – and most importantly, confidence.
Burlesque is not stripping. In fact, it started out as the art of exaggerating, imitating, and parodying – which we still see today in the enchanting and cheeky personalities of burlesque performers. As a form of dance, burlesque focuses on the tease, on the chase – and not solely for the sexuality of it. It’s the journey, not the destination. Burlesque awakes, and reveals, our inner divas – who can shake and shimmy when you least expect it. What all these fitness strategies have in common is that they focus, first and foremost, on empowering and fostering independence. This comes not just from accepting one’s body as it is – but from being proud of it, loving it, and showing off what you’ve got. Of course a woman’s body will change as she exercises, but the biggest change is in our own eyes (– and those sexy arms).
In addition to classes, Pink Kitten Dance School also offers all students the opportunity to perform in various showcases and events. No entry requirements – just celebrating your accomplishments, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Oh – And next time you see that woman on the street, she’ll be staring at YOU.