Secret Gay Party comes to Bristol

Pink Kittens’ burlesque teacher Abby steals the show! The Attic Bar/Full Moon in Bristol Stokes Croft Our very own Abigail Evans shimmied and wiggled her way into the hearts of the boys and girls of the gay scene in Bristol last Sunday. Performing a classic...

Burlesque Magazine

We cannot believe we did not discover this gorgeous magazine earlier! Containing what’s going on in Burlesque all over the world. It is a high quality FREEEEE magazine with everything from Burlesque star of the week, to events and costumes.....

Blog on!

Gather round Pink Kittens, and have a good old read about our goings on at Pink Kitten HQ. We chat with the BBC’S minxy Graham Torrington from Late night lurrrve! Pink Kitten founderwas on BBC Bristol Radio today (3rd December) having a good old chin wag with Graham...