A Pink Kitten Voucher is a perfect gift for someone special in your life.
Whether they are already a student or a budding starlet a Pink Kitten voucher could help someone along their way to pole, aerial and dance heaven.
Vouchers can be purchased for any amount (scroll to the bottom for more details) and used against things like beginners courses, class passes and the Pink Kitten Emporium.
Voucher T&C
These vouchers can be redeemed against items in our shop/ classes/ pink kitten merchandise everything thats available on the various Pink Kitten sites. They are valid for 12 months from date of purchase – please let us know if you would like an extension to this. There is no cash equivalent value and they are non refundable once sent out.
To redeem your voucher for pink kitten classes please make an account on our booking system. Let us know when this has been done and we can then add your voucher code to your account for use. If you are already a customer you may find that this has already been done for you. If you would like to use your voucher for clothing or merch then head over to www.pinkkittenemporium.com and your voucher should be ready to use. Any issues give us a call or e-mail !