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By C. Ortega. Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College.

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This is followed by motion at positions progressively further away, thereby giving the appearance of a travelling wave propagating away from the stapes. Illness in one’s body does not preclude wellness in one’s mind and spirit. Find out by reading sev­ eral back issues and studying the guidelines for contributors. Removal of the papilloma resolves the 25 26 Avellino Table 1 Causes of Hydrocephalus Based on Site of Obstruction Lateral ventricle Choroid plexus tumor Intraventricular region glioma Foramen of Monro Congenital atresia Iatrogenic functional stenosis Stenotic gliosis secondary to intraventricular hemorrhage or ventriculitis Third ventricle Colloid cyst Ependymal cyst Arachnoid cyst Neoplasms such as craniopharngioma, chiasmal-hypothalamic astrocytoma, or glioma Cerebral aqueduct Congenital aqueduct malformation Arteriovenous malformation Congenital aqueduct stenosis Neoplasms such as pineal region germinoma or periaqueductal glioma Fourth ventricle Dandy–Walker cyst Neoplasms such as medulloblastoma, ependymoma, astrocytoma, or brainstem glioma Basal foramina occlusion secondary to subarachnoid hemorrhage or meningitis Chiari malformations hydrocephalus in approximately two-thirds of cases. The Videofluoroscopic Swallow Study (VFSS) is gold standard for determining the presence and extent of pharyngeal phase deficits, elucidating the underlying pathophysiology, and identifying potential therapeutic interventions. As with canes, walkers must be the proper height, and training is essential. Other important considerations, such as the mortality due to status epi- lepticus, are not particular to this seizure syndrome. Use colour to: ° highlight key words or phrases ° indicate headings and subheadings by using a different colour for these from the main text ° emphasise specific information; for example, use a bright or warm colour for tips or hints ° direct attention to the salient parts of an illustration; for example, use primary colours for key organs in a diagram of the body ° differentiate between different parts of an illustration; for example, use different colours to differentiate between items in different food groups ° structure information by colour coding different topics; for example text about preparing to stop smoking in a different colour from text relating to actually stopping smoking ° show the links between headings and key points related to that heading by using the same colour for both. He loved 1861–1912 the sea and ships, which symbolized to him the primitive things that had served in man’s evolu- Alessandro Codivilla was born and raised in tion. You can find out more about the aims, content and readership of vari­ ous newspapers and magazines by consulting one of the directories or guides on this subject. Medicine’s velvet revolution The last decade of the twentieth century was a period of dramatic change in society and perhaps even more dramatic changes in the medical profession. He could project with equal ease to specialist education with a number of teachers the level required, to nurses, to men or women at was not always immediately appreciated, and Sir an early stage of orthopedic training or to other Herbert spent many hours with individual regis- experts in one of his particular specialties—and trars discussing their progress and plans. After appearance of symptoms, deteri- BSE AND CJD DISEASE oration is rapid and the animal dies or is destroyed within six BSE and CJD disease months. These include: (1) focal clonic movements, which may occur unilaterally, sequentially in different limbs, or simultaneously but asynchronously; (2) focal tonic movements, such as a sustained limb posture, or tonic horizontal eye deviation (generalized tonic movements are generally not accompanied by seizure on EEG); (3) generalized, but not focal or multifocal 61 62 Bergin myoclonic events; (4) autonomic events such as apnea, often with associated tachy- cardia rather than bradycardia (particularly in term newborns), and=or pupillary dilatation. If you have HOW TO REPORT YOUR FINDINGS/ 133 not been given a copy of the dissertation guidelines ask your tutor if they are available and from where they can be obtained. In conclusion, in our armamentarium of surgical techniques to preserve the natural hip joint, periacetabular osteotomy is the operation that leads to the most predictable results.

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